
1976-1981 “Barekamutyun” Station of the Yerevan Subway

The Client:
the Ministry of Trade RA, the Management of the Construction of Yerevan Underground of RA

The construction of Station was initiated in 1976 and completed in 1981. About 2 km long stretch of rock excavation works of different section and destination has been driven including, but not limited to the station and near station installations, slanting passages for escalators, track side tunnels, access ramp chambers, etc.

The station was designed as a junction one and it is envisaged to build up the underground railway lines in two directions, though currently it is a terminal.
The underground works have been implemented under complicated mining-geological conditions with working of coarse basalts intermitted with layers and lenses of slag. The sinking was carried on through a shaft by decking of dump-cars on the surface and the supply of concrete. The above ground structures were situated in densely built-up areas of the city.