
2010-2016 The Capital Repairs of “Arpa-Sevan” Tunnel

The Client:
“State Procurement Agency” State Non-profit Organization.

The capital repairs of “Arpa-Sevan” tunnel conduit is implemented in the frameworks of the “Project of capital repairs of “Arpa-Sevan” tunnel conduit, to be realized with the support of the “Abu-Dhabi Development Fund”.

The aim of the Project on Capital Reconstruction of “Arpa-Sevan” tunnel conduit is to provide a sustainable performance and unobstructed of the tunnels of “Arpa-Sevan” conduit over all the length of the route of conduit after and in the course of implementation of works.
The works include the reconstruction of deformed stretches of lining (of the bottom) of tunnel or of some of its parts.
At the mentioned stretches the lining shall be completely reconstructed by implementation of the whole package of shaft-sinking and tunneling works for construction of reinforced structures of lining.
The reconstruction of the concrete bottom of canal in tunnel No.2 is carried out from “Yeghegis” Site by replacing the old deteriorated concrete flume with cast-in-situ reinforced concrete structures.
Along with the reconstruction works the activities shall be carried for filling of cavities behind the new lining, injection and control injection of grout.
The lining to be reconstructed shall be concreted in place according to a unified technological process chart using different standardized solutions.

The following scope of works was implemented:
23649.1 m3
Concrete and reinforced concrete
20370.5 m3
30302.1 m2
1382.2 t